by 93Thomas in
General Guides

What is berry tricking?

Berry Tricking is a way to check the nature of a Pokemon without having to catch it. This is perfect for catching static Pokemon like Legendaries to make sure you are getting a nature you want. In this guide we will first explain how to get a +speed nature.

How does it work?

First (I) you test for speed. You do this by bringing a Pokemon with a specific speed stat into battle, if you the opposing Pokemon moves first, that means it is a +speed nature.
Secondly (II) you must fling a berry at the Pokemon. Depending on the berry used, if the enemy Pokemon becomes confused you will know what its negative stat is.
Thirdly (III), by knowing that it is +speed and knowing what its -stat is – you can know whether it is Naive, Hasty, Jolly or Timid.

(I) Testing for Speed

II. A. How to test for speed nature
Pick or train a Pokémon with the following speed according to the Pokémon you’re willing to catch:

  • Articuno: 106
  • Zapdos: 121
  • Moltres: 111
  • Entei: 121
  • Raikou: 136
  • Suicune: 106
  • Thundurus: 132
  • Tornadus: 132
  • Landorus: 122
  • Virizion, Terrakion, Cobalion, Keldeo: 129
  • Mesprit: 101
  • Uxie: 116
  • Azelf: 136
  • Cresselia: 106
  • Haxorus: 62
  • Victini: 40
  • Zorua: 13 or 14

Using a Pokémon of your choice with the aforementioned speed guarantees you to catch a + speed nature Pokémon (precisions for Zorua later)
Start the battle with your speed tester Pokémon, and use an attack. A non-damaging move (double team, rain dance, sword dance…) is the best option.
If the opposing Pokémon goes first, then it has a + speed nature. Proceed to Berry trick.
If your Pokémon goes first, keep attacking 2 or 3 turns more, in case of a speed tie. If you keep outspeeding the Pokémon you want to catch, then run away and try again the day after.

WARNING: Thundurus and Tornadus usually have the Ability Prankster, so their non-damaging moves always go first (agility, charge, tailwind). Run away if it uses Agility or Tailwind, as those moves change the speed tier, and do not take the turn it uses Charge into account.
+ Be careful using a Trace Pokémon (Gardevoir, Porygon), as you will Trace Prankster ability, and you’re going to attack first if you use a non-damaging move…

ZORUA: As Zorua is lvl 5, it it can be hard to test its speed tier.
Using a 14 speed Pokémon ensures you to catch a + speed nature Zorua, but the chances it happens are at 2/775. A lot of patience is required.
Using a 13 speed Pokémon, you have 22/775 chances to catch a + speed nature Zorua (more or less 1/35), but you also have 6/775 (1/130) chances to catch a non + speed nature one (if Zorua has 30 or 31 IVs in speed, and is Bold, Calm or Modest).

(II) The Berry Mechanic

The berry trick is only half the process of testing the nature of the Pokémon you’re willing to catch. Giving the wild Pokémon a specific berry lets you know which stat its nature decreases. After consuming the berry, if the opposing Pokémon gets confused, you can go to the next step. If it is not confused, run away and try the next day.

You can use a Pokémon that learns both Fling and Recycle to check the decreased stat of the wild Pokémon, such as:
Abra, Azelf, Chansey, Clefairy, Dedenne, Delibird, Drowzee, Ralts, Garbodor, Gothita, Jigglypuff, Jirachi, Jinx, Kekleon, Meditite, Meloetta, Mesprit, Mew, Mr. Mime, Muk-Alola, Palossand, Panpour/sage/sear, Raichu-Alola, Slowbro/king, Snorlax, Uxie.

Fling gives the wild Pokémon the item your Pokémon is holding. In case of a berry, its effect is instantly applied, and the Pokémon is immediately confused. Recycle allows you to recover the berry you just threw at the opposing Pokémon.

Here is the list of the berries your Pokémon can hold and the natures they check:

  • Aguav Berry (-SpDef): Naughty, Lax, Rash, Naive
  • Figy Berry (-Atk): Bold, Modest, Calm, Timid
  • Iapapa Berry (-Def): Lonely, Mild, Gentle, Hasty
  • Mago Berry (-Speed): Brave, Relaxed, Quiet, Sassy
  • Wiki Berry (-SpAtk): Adamant, Impish, Careful, Jolly

Testing for Non-Speed Nature

In this example, I will be looking for an Impish Landorus

When looking for a defensive (or specially defensive) nature, I have to pay attention to the damage my Pokémon does to Landorus. That’s why I need to know exactly the range of Health Points Landorus will lose when my Pokémon attacks it.
In theory, if my Pokémon does less damage than it should, that means Landorus has a +Def nature.

I need to do some calculations using Showdown Damage Calculator.

Let’s say I’m using my False Swiper, Breloom. Any other Pokémon with a decent attack stat will do.
If I were looking for a Calm, Careful, Sassy or Gentle Pokémon; I would use a Special attacker.

I’m adding Breloom as “Pokémon 1”, using a Blank Set:

Then, I add my Breloom’s stats.
It’s level 59, it has 14 IVs in attack, no EVs, and its nature doesn’t affect attack.
I’ll be using Strength, so I add it too (The stronger the move, the more effective the check will be).

After that, I add Landorus as “Pokémon 2” using the Blank Set.
Landorus will be level 50. I give it 31 IVs in defense, and a nature that DOESN’T affect the defense stat. Remember to change the Sp. Def stat if you’re looking for a Sp. Def nature.

Once everything is set, I click on “Strength” to know the “Possible damage amounts” I’ll do to Landorus:

Now, I know that Breloom will do from 52 to 62 damage to Landorus with max IVs in defense, if its nature DOESN’T affect the defense stat.
That means that if my Breloom does 62 or more damage, Landorus doesn’t have a +def nature, and I can run away.
But if Breloom does 51 or less, it means Landorus is more resistant than a max IVs neutral nature: it has a + def nature.

I’d like to know how good the Pokémon I chose is:
I change Landorus nature to Impish, and I reduce his IVs in defense, until the “Possible damage amounts” reaches the 52-62 range.

From 31 to 12 IVs in defense, Breloom deals less than 52 to Landorus (51-61 in this example). At 11 IVs and below, it will deal 52 or more.
I’ll be able to know if Landorus has a +def nature if it has at least 12 IVs in defense.

So what I have to keep in mind is:
– If I deal 62 or more to Landorus, I run and I try again the day after
– If I deal 51 or less, Landorus has a +Def nature

This is how a battle goes:

  1. I use the berry trick on Landorus by using a Wiki berry (because berry trick takes less time than checking the defense).
  2. If it’s confused, I run away and start the battle again (so that Landorus is no longer confused), leading with Breloom. If not, I try the following day.
  3. I use Strength twice, I run away and start again (otherwise I’d kill Landorus), until:
    • Breloom deal 51 or less, and I catch Landorus,
    • Breloom deals 62 or more, I run and try the next day.

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